A smart socket that allows you to use maximum of solar energy produced by your PV system!

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Code: 55
€99 €82 excl. VAT
Category: Products
Weight: 0.3 kg

SOLAR PLUG is an excellent addition to monitoring stations SOLAR STATION, SOLAR STATION LIVE, and SPOT STATION.


You can set rules for each outlet and choose multiple rules and combine them using:

  1. The battery charge level of the PV system exceeds a certain value, e.g., 90%.
  2. Surpluses into the grid exceed a certain value, e.g., 500 W.
  3. Surpluses into the grid exceed a certain value, e.g., 2000 W.
  4. PV system production exceeds a certain value, e.g., 2000 W.
  5. The spot price of electricity is the cheapest for several hours, e.g., 3 hours of the day.
  6. The spot price of electricity is lower than the chosen value.
  7. The time is between specified hours, e.g., 9–15.

Rules can be combined using the AND / OR operators. In simple terms, for the outlet to turn on, all / at least one of the selected rules must apply. For example, you can set it to turn on if the battery is charged more than 80% or between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m.

If a rule is violated, the outlet will turn off. In case of a connection loss with SOLAR STATION, the outlet will automatically turn off after 15 minutes.

A significant advantage of the outlet is the ability to measure consumption. You don’t need to actively control it, but you can easily get an overview of the consumption of appliances like a dryer or washing machine. SOLAR STATION displays the current power consumption of the appliance on the outlet and the total energy consumed since the outlet was turned on.

SOLAR STATION can control up to 8 outlets simultaneously.

You can see the total load of all outlets on the SOLAR STATION display on the tile with the socket icon connected to the sun.



Usage with this station is very simplified, so no settings are required. The station automatically finds and connects the outlet or relay. It switches them according to internal rules – checking the battery charge level, surpluses, and production to ensure maximum utilization of solar energy and to prevent battery discharge. Up to 8 outlets or relays can be used again.



To pair, simply press RESET on the station and choose a rule for whether you want the outlets to be switched on during the 6 or 12 cheapest hours of the day. Again, up to 8 outlets or relays can be used.

Before ordering, it is advisable to check:

  1. An outlet with a power of 2500 W is not suitable for switching a boiler.
  2. SOLAR STATION and SOLAR PLUG communicate locally via your WiFi. Therefore, it is not possible to have a SOLAR STATION in the office and a SOLAR PLUG at home.


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JH Avatar of author | 07/30/2024
Zatím spokojen, splňuje všechna moje očekávání
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J Avatar of author Vytvoreni chytre nabijecky na EV z nadvyroby 11/07/2024 09:41 AM
Dobrý den, mam problem jak jednoduse vyresit za relativne levny peniz problem, ze bych chtel nabijet EV z nadbytecne vyroby FVE. Myslenka - 3 tyto moduly (kdyby byl 3F modul, tak jeste lepe) by umoznili spinat 3F pripojku pro nabijecku EV. Tam asi by nemel byt problem.. Problem vsak je, ze sepnout nabijecku uplne nestaci, chtelo by to i moznost, aby EV (v mem pripade Tesla model 3) dostalo informaci, jakou rychlosti nabijet, aby se prizpusobila priblizne aktualni nadvyrobe FVE. Mate nejaky napad, jak to udelat spolu s nastavovanim vykonu na Tesle? To neni problem vaseho produktu, ale mozna jste se s tim nekdo setkal.. Nemame povolene pretoky na nasi FVE.
A Avatar of author Vytvoreni chytre nabijecky na EV z nadvyroby 11/07/2024 09:50 AM
Dobrý den, pro tento scénář máme v nabídce právě nabíječku EcoVolter, která v kombinaci se Solar Station právě toto umí. Používá k tomu baterii fotovoltaiky. Sleduje stav nabití baterie a podle toho reguluje výkon. L.