SOLAR STATION is a monitoring station for your photovoltaic power plant that provides you with a complete overview of electricity production, consumption, battery status, and other key data. The device is designed to be easy to use for everyone, and thanks to its e-ink display, its operation is highly efficient and energy-saving.

In stock
Code: 141/B
€235 €194 excl. VAT
Category: Products
Warranty: 2 years

SOLAR STATION is a monitoring station for your photovoltaic power plant that provides you with a complete overview of electricity production, consumption, battery status, and other key data. The device is designed to be easy to use for everyone, and thanks to its e-ink display, its operation is highly efficient and energy-saving.

Every 5 minutes, SOLAR STATION retrieves data from inverter manufacturers' cloud services and displays them clearly on the screen. This means you don't have to log into complex applications or deal with complicated graphs—all the information is at your fingertips, whether at home or in the office, and it's clear for the whole family.

Will it work for me?

All you need are login credentials to the portal listed in the table, and SOLAR STATION will work for you. For more complex installations—like multiple inverters in one setup—please contact us.

SOLAR STATION does not require the installation of any additional devices (like MODBUS converters). It only needs WiFi internet for connection.

Can I set it up myself?

Of course! I tried to make it as simple as possible. At worst, you'll read the manual. Once you unpack and turn on SOLAR STATION, it will start broadcasting its own network, which you can connect to. Once connected, a setup page will appear and guide you through the process. You only need your WiFi password and the login credentials for the manufacturer’s cloud. It's that simple!

What is displayed on the screen?

  1. Current data on production, battery status, household consumption, and grid utilization.
  2. Today's statistics on production, battery usage, household consumption, and grid utilization.
  3. Weather forecast including sunrise and sunset times.
  4. Electricity prices on the spot market.
  5. Information on electric vehicle charging status.
  6. Details about Tesla vehicles—charging statistics, battery status, and range.
  7. Household temperature and domestic hot water temperature from selected heat pumps.

Is it just monitoring?

SOLAR STATION is primarily a monitoring device, but it can also control certain household appliances using smart plugs like SOLAR PLUG. For example, you can remotely turn on or off water heating, air conditioning, heating, lighting, or garden irrigation based on photovoltaic production or spot prices.

Using the supported portable Czech wallbox EcoVolter Pro, you can also charge your electric vehicle based on spot prices or photovoltaic production.

SOLAR STATION is a proven Czech product already used by thousands of households.

What is e-ink?

You probably know e-ink displays from e-book readers or, more recently, from supermarket price tags. It has properties similar to paper. It does not emit light at night and is perfectly readable in direct sunlight. E-ink displays work similarly to the well-known children’s toy, the Etch-a-Sketch. Anything drawn on the display remains until it is "shaken"—by changing the electrical charge. An e-ink display only consumes power during a redraw and none afterward.

Redrawing takes a relatively long time, and the number of redraws is limited. Therefore, using it for data with a 5-minute refresh interval is ideal.

How long does the battery last on a single charge?

SOLAR STATION is normally off during operation. It wakes up once every 5 minutes, downloads new data, and displays it. Thanks to this, it lasts 6 to 12 weeks on a single charge, depending on how much additional connectivity and control you use.

The station is equipped with a 3.7V 2500mAh LiPo battery and includes a charger. Charging is done via a USB-C port and takes several hours. The cable is not included—I trust you already have one at home.

SOLAR STATION can also be operated with a constantly connected cable, but then it cannot be attached to the wall.

What’s inside?

The brain of the device is the ESP32 microcontroller. The e-ink display is from GoodDisplay. The case is 3D printed (from white PLA), but we can make a custom version for you upon request.

What if the device stops displaying correct data? What if the inverter manufacturer changes something? Will it still work?

The device is equipped with automatic firmware updates. So if an inverter manufacturer changes something, just contact us, and we’ll check and update the firmware, which SOLAR STATION will download and install itself.

What’s in the box?

SOLAR STATION, 2 wall mounts with 3M tape, a printed case, and a stand. A printed manual is not included as it becomes outdated quickly. The manual is available on our website.

What are the dimensions?

152 × 121 × 14 mm for the 5.83" variant

196 × 131 × 14 mm for the 7.5" variant

248 × 177 × 14 mm for the 10" variant

Which variant should I choose?

The smaller variant is suitable for a shelf. The larger model is better suited for wall mounting—it can be read even from a distance.

What about the warranty?

Of course, it is provided as required by law. SOLAR STATION is made for your and our enjoyment. If anything goes wrong, please let us know. If you don't like it, we’ll refund your money. We are not scammers, just a normal family from Zlín.

Let it shine!

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SM Avatar of author | 02/13/2025
Vse ok
MJ Avatar of author | 01/29/2025
Vyrobok funguje tak, ako bolo ocakavane. Zatial bez problemov.
Avatar of author | 01/28/2025
Po půl roce spolehlivého chodu přestal fungovat: Wifi nenalezena. Telefon wifi SRF…. našel. Nefunguje ani když jsem se stanicí přímo u wifi modulu u střídače.
PM Avatar of author | 01/23/2025
Jednoduché nadstavenie , praktický dizajn , funkčnosť super ,veľmi praktický doplnok ku fotovoltaike .
PV Avatar of author | 01/02/2025
Děkuji, splnil očekávání, nastavení přes webové rozhraní je jednoduché. Skvělý produkt!!! Uvítal bych malinko více možností nastavení pravidel pro Plugy, kdy lze u jednoho plugu nastavit jen jednu kombinaci pravidel, nepokryje to naše potřeby.
JC Avatar of author | 12/20/2024
Koupil jsem jiz 2. Velmi spokojen.
A Avatar of author | 12/02/2024
Ahoj, Krátká recenze solární stanice 5,83". Inzerát 100% odpovídá popisu a plně splňuje moje očekávání. Skvělé je i rozdělení jednotlivých oblastí. Ještě jednou moc děkuji Lukášovi za velmi dobrou komunikaci při poněkud obtížném doručení zásilky balíkovou službou. Zdravím Andreas
RM Avatar of author | 10/31/2024
Funguje jak má ... jednoduché a SUPER;-)
P Avatar of author | 10/21/2024
Dlouho uvažoval o vyrobení podobného zařízení, abych měl přehledné informace na první pohled a nemusel sahat po telefonu a pouštět několik aplikací, ale moje schopnosti tak daleko nesahají. Solar Station to dokonale splňuje, jde o hardwarově jednoduché, softwarově výtečně zpracované zařízení. Cena není nízká, ale je odpovídající hodnotě, kterou poskytuje. Moje sestava: - FVE Solax - TČ Viessmann - distribuce eg.d Solar Station se připojí: - ke cloudu Solax a zobrazí na jedné obrazovce daleko víc informací, než aplikace Solaxu (Solar Station má možnost připojit se k neuvěřitelně široké škále FVE) - k eg.d a zobrazí kolik energie jsem tento měsíc odebral a kolik jsem dodal na přetocích - k OTE a zobrazí aktuální spotovou cenu elektřiny a aktuální trend, přičemž je možné si do výpočtu přidat i distribuci, marži obchodníka a daň - ke cloudu Viessman a zobrazí základní info o TČ (venkovní teplota, teplota výstupu, teplota TUV) - k a zobrazí aktuální čas východu/západu slunce, počasí a předpověď na další dny To všechno se zobrazuje na jediné (!) obrazovce s přehledným grafickým uspořádáním a ikonami, není potřeba nic přepínat, informace se aktualizují každých 5 minut (stejně jak se aktualizuje cloud Solax). Zobrazení na e-Ink displeji je samozřejmě perfektně čitelné i za šera. Nastavení Solar Station je jednoduché, pomocí webového formuláře přímo ve stanici. Podpora od Lukáše je výtečná, měl jsem možnost si to ověřit v praxi. Vybral jsem si velikost 5.83", protože odpovídá rozměrům ovládací jednotky od TČ Viessman, pod kterou ji zřejmě umístím.
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P Avatar of author Více zařízení 11/22/2024 09:39 AM
Dobrý den Chci se zeptat zda může být těchto zařízení zapojeno více na jeden střídač Mám vícegenerační dům a uvažuji o koupi tohoto zařízení Děkuji za info Petr
P Avatar of author Více zařízení 11/22/2024 11:12 AM
Děkuji za info Mám Goodwe ET 10
A Avatar of author Více zařízení 11/22/2024 09:52 AM
Dobrý den, záleží to podle střídače. Některé to mají dost omezené, jiné to umožňují. L.